Nate, Adey, and I took this little princess out to her favorite place to eat (Buffalo Wild Wings) to have her favorite food (macaroni and cheese) followed by a pretty yummy free dessert (super chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup)! Yummmmmm! They gave her a birthday shout out and overall it was just perfect for this little girl!
Then we came home and let her open presents from us: she got a wiggle worm sprinkler that Adey picked out, a princess Sofia ball, bubble guppy look and find book, play dough, a bubble lawn mower, and Cinderella dress up clothes. She loves all her presents and it doesn't take too much to please this little beauty!

A few of her stats:
Height: 33.5 (a little on the short side)
Weight: 27 pounds
Eyes: Blue
Hair color: Blonde
Favorite TV show: Bubble Guppies, Doc McStuffins, Princess Sofia, Yo Gabba Gabba, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
Favorite Movie: Frozen (or as she calls it...Summer because of Olaf)
Favorite color: She always pics purple and brown
Favorite food: Macaroni and cheese, grapes, yogurt, apple sauce, gold fish, special K cracker chips
Favorite things to do: play in her sand box from Nonni and Grampy, going swimming, blowing bubbles, play dress up or doctors, reading books, coloring, and trying to do everything her big sister does.
She is so full of energy and love. Her vocabulary is beyond anything I have expected. She can count to 20 (has been able to for a while), name all her colors and just about all her shapes. She can name a few of her letters and has great manners of saying please and thank you. She is definitely a little bit more difficult as a two year old than Adey was but it is just more with testing my patience and being nice to her sister. I still love her just as much and am enjoying spending all my days with her finally since I get to be home a lot more and I love watching her explore and learn! She has a beautiful smile and melts my heart every day! She makes me so proud!