I seriously can't believe as I am writing this blog that September has come and gone. I literally blinked and when I wake up tomorrow it will be October 1. Fall is definitely in full force here in Utah. Our family has been extremely busy that I haven't even had a quick second to put up a blog post this month. Therefore I am going to do this post all in a nutshell:
Adey has developed a passion/interest for cooking and created these yogurt bites from a go-gurt she has made into globs and put a chocolate chip in the middle followed by some (a lot) of sprinkles.
Paisley has officially started preschool over at Busy Bee's Preschool here in American Fork. She loves her teachers Mrs. Emily and Mrs. Amber. They do a great job so far. She loves show and tell on Wednesdays where they bring something related to the topic they are learning about for the week (ie; secondary colors she took one of her my little ponies, letter A she took her stuff Aurora)
This little one was sick with an extremely high fever the she so kindly passed on to Adey a few days later but look how cute she is even when she doesn't feel well and all the love she gets:
Nate and I were able to go on a date to the Mt. Timp temple. He is doing a 12 week full time course so we hardly get any date time or even family time because he is gone so much. However we are blessed for this opportunity that we have been presented and are over half done!
We have watched movies while eating popcorn and played lots of dress up
We have flown kites on the days the weather is good
Adey has been enjoying reading books to her sisters...she feels so grown up and she is getting much, much better at reading!
We have walked to pick up Adey from school
We ride bikes and scooters
play dress up even more
Build with blocks and paw patrols
our diva
Snack time after school:
Had fun taking pictures except emery wouldn't sit down by hers which said 17 months:
Played at Walmart...these two showed me everything they want for Christmas...sigh
breakfast with daddy
Helping mommy do dishes and cook and being silly
Went to a cousins birthday party
Played with blocks
baked some more
borrowed a double stroller and went for a walk
blew tons and tons of bubbles
taught Emery about putting olives on our fingers
Had a blast at Adey's school carnival:
ate lots of yummy food and new recipes which i will post on my other blog soon
lots of snuggles
played at the park
drew and colored
played and just super cute
Adey made cookies all by herself
tried catching rain in bowls
This little girl loves wearing her big sissy's shoes