Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Girls date night!

So Adey went with Nate to his work summer party to Lagoon. They invited Robert and Abby to join along. They had a great time and Adeys favorite ride was Wicked and least favorite was Colosses. Nate has pictures on his phone.

Well so me and the littles went out to dinner at Chic fil a, then to build a friend at build a bear, and then the play place at the mall. We had a great time!

Monday, August 28, 2017

$2 Tuesday Museum of Natural Curiosity

So the day before Adey went back to school we did some fun stuff. Well then the next week was the day before Paisleys first day of kindergarten amd she wanted to go thanksgiving point too (Adey was at school) so me and the two littles went and had lunch and some fun!!!

First day of school

3rd grade and advanced matb

Still at Odyssey Charter School 

Adey has Mr. Allen and she is so excited to be on the 2nd floor

 Advanced Kindergarten 

So so so excited

Adeys best friend Sophia's little sister Farrah and Paisley became friends over the summer and both got in the same class (Adey and Sophia didn't)

Odyssey Charter School 

Mrs. Yorgason 

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Total solar eclipse 2017

What is one thing we are good at? Making decisions last minute to take a quick trip to Idaho Falls. This past weekend if in Idaho Falls you would be in the zone of totality for the total solar eclipse. We had been on edge for a while if we should go because Adey had already started school and it was the same week Paisley was starting kindergarten. Well we ended up going because it was too cool of an experience to not be a part of.... besides the 8.5 hour drive home that normally only takes 3.5.... grrr crazy traffic.  We stayed with Dave and had so much fun setting so much family.  Definately one quick trip i will always remember.