Thursday, June 27, 2013

I can...

paint laminate:



perfect touch to tie all the colors in the room

make a picture holder for $11 to match the girls room:

I love how it turned out!

sew a blanket (definitely not perfect...but this is my first of many):

just need to cut the squares to make it shaggy

i will never use chevron for the back of a blanket (doesn't line up)

Painted some wood and made a cute design (just needs pictures)

and this drumroll please...about to show the girls room put together (for the most part just a few tiny projects but will  have to wait for funds)

any suggestions on how to hang these up...this is the layout but don't know how to get them up on the wall

and here is the "playroom/hall/closet"

I have turned the hall way from the girls room to their bathroom and their good size walk in closet into a too has a few more projects and so does their bathroom so stay tuned in future weeks (i love to decorate by the way)

love the storage bins that fit nicely under their clothes and i love this cute shag rug

that toy holder is just full of baby doll clothes and build a bear clothes...thanks Nonni

the toy storage (it has changed some now but you get the idea)

these are Adey's...couldn't find the right one for Paisley...maybe I will continue to look and do this on her first birthday (it will still be a memory)

and to bomber:

1 comment:

  1. Looks fabulous! Text me your address and I can send your their paintings ;)
