Sunday, December 22, 2013

Thanksgiving month...

I started this last year with Adey so she could learn the things she is happy she has in her life...
this year I not only cut out Adey's hand prints...but I also did Paisley's and mine.  the words are all in Adey's words

Day 1: family

Day 2: Jesus

Day 3: having a sister that I can play with

Day 4: Heavenly Father

Day 5: Mommy and Paisley

Day 6: Daddy

Day 7: Oskar

Day 8: My little pony

Day 9: Baby dolls

Day 10: Friends

Day 11: My life

Day 12: Nonni and Grampy

Day 13: Eat dinner, breakfast, and lunch and cereal

Day 14: Games on my mom's phone

Day 15: a house to live in

Day 16: Have a car to go to places

Day 17: bubble baths

Day 18: computer so we can skype

Day 19: TV to watch movies

Day 20: her barbies

Day 21: Nana and Papa

Day 22: Aunts and Uncles

Day 23: Cute clothes, especially dresses

Day 24: Nathan (mommy's boyfriend)

Day 25: cookies we can make at home

Day 26: that we can take pictures

Day 27: the church and sunbeams

Day 28: Christmas

Day 29: Swimming pools

Day 30: Sledding

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