Sunday, October 26, 2014

First day of school

Well...what a whirlwind this little girl had for her first day of school.  She was supposed to go to the local public school (she started out as 6th on the waiting list for Odyssey Charter School  then dropped to 1st by the beginning of school which mean she had a good chance of getting in but I still had to register her at the public school just in case no one dropped out).  Well 3 days into the school year, I got a phone call telling me they had 2 openings one in morning and one in afternoon and since Adelynn was first on the waiting list I needed to call and let them know if we wanted to attend and of course no hesitation.  I have always wanted my children to receive a great education and be pushed beyond their limits and I just felt public school in Utah wouldn't do that for them so as a mom I was concerned.  I had to bring Adey in the next day for testing to see where she was at intellectually (she just did this that same day for the public school for kindergarten since they started a week later than the charter school so she got tested two days in a row).  She did really well at the testing and they told me they would let me know by email which class she would be in and she would start tomorrow (Friday).  I had to go get her school uniforms and everything and it was just so exciting!  I received the email a little later that said they would like to place Adelynn in the AM Advanced Kindergarten class.  I was so little girl is just so smart!  She tries hard and I am so proud of her!  She also has a passion and love to learn!  So here she little girl on her first day of school.  I know she will go far and just love it!

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