Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Emery Kate...9 months

Weight: 15.2 pounds
Height: 24.75 inches
Head: 16.1 cm

Wow is the time just going by so quickly...our littlest has been with us already for 9 months!  She is quite a busy little bee...

favorites: books, toys that make music, Paisley's moveable plastic snake, snuggling, her sisters making her giggle, mommy (won't let her out of her site rarely), being swaddled at bed and nap times, bath time (we don't use the baby seat anymore), going for walks, and eating (likes everything so far except for pears, oranges, green beans).

She can sit by herself, crawl backwards and has gone a few steps forward, roll all ways, grasp at small objects like cheerios and puffs, say different sounds and sure does like to talk, can pull herself to her knees, will stand if leaning against something or holding on to someones fingers, can go from belly to sitting and back to belly.

Still no teeth, her eyes are still blue, eyelashes are growing long, and hair is coming in thick (never really lost any as a younger baby).

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