Saturday, December 31, 2016

Other December fun

We have had several sicknesses this month sadly...colds and throwing up and fevers and more...hope January is much better with the illness: 

Our snuggly Elsie being so cute...

Paisley goofing on in the car and says "hey mom take a picture"

Morning snuggles with a movie...I love these times at home with her during Emery's nap.  Gonna miss her next year when she heads off to kindergarten!  Can't believe how old this one is getting:

Sticker fun and coloring...ALL MONTH LONG!

Too tired to stay awake (we missed nap time...its ok she is such a great snuggler)

These 3 have such an amazing bond and love watching them grow up together and be there for each other and cheer each other on along the way!

Grocery carts with cars is such an easier way to shop!

more coloring but all 3 by a light:

They made themselves in to Rudolph:

Because the carpet cleaner bag that holds the attachments is better used for our legs:

Playing with our wonderful puppy Elsie

Christmas break fun with puzzles and games:

Monday, December 26, 2016

December of Cookies

Adey had a school party and I bought cookies for them to decorate and brought home the left overs and the other parents sent the donated toppings home with us too.  With kids I couldn't say no so we had some fun:

We made peanut butter kisses cookies a few times this month too...these are my favorite and pretty sure they are everyone elses too because they don't last long in our house:

And your typical chocolate chip cookies:

And our bishop was sick so we made him even more cookies this month.  These were more fun:

Cookies for our Bishop and his wife

For a family night this month (of December) we decided to decorate gingerbread cookies for our Bishop (leader of our ward at church) and his wife (who happens to also be Adelynn's primary teacher).  The girls got really into it and of course we all made one to eat too!  When we finished we got all bundled up and walked them over.  His wife was at work so we visited with him and his dogs for a few.  He even let our girls try on a Cherokee Native American head dress.  It was just beautiful!  His wife is a member (I am too but very far down the line like 1/32 or 1/64 I can't remember- its from my mom's side of the family).  Anyway, we had such a fun night eating lots of sugar and making memories: