Welcome to the world our precious little man:
Keegan James Mihu
May 29, 2018 at 220 AM
7.4 lbs
18 3/4 inches
Brown hair...dark eyes
Well we started the day before with a family hike that led my contractions to being this:
Which then led me going to the hospital to be monitored:
When i got there i was 37 weeks and 3 days, i was dilated to 3cm and 90% effaced. We got there around 530ish (stopped for something small to eat just in case i was there to have a baby). At this point my contractions were every 4 to 6 minutes apart. They checked me a few times and by 10ish i wasnt progressing. But since i had a c section before and i was having contractions that were not stopping they couldnt send me home and since i wasnt 39 weeks they couldnt induce me unless there was a medical problem. So we waited another almost hour and baby's heart rate had one or two decelerations and that was all we needed to break my water and have the baby. I had strep b again this time so they got my meds going for that and an iv of fluid. Then they had me walk around labor and delivery floor. I was trying to not get my epidural right away but around midnight i couldnt take it any longer. They were getting quite intense! So i got my epidural. It worked for a while but then checked me around 1250am and i was 4cm and 100% effaced. They broke my water at 105 and shortly after i could still feel contractions so they gave me another dose in my epidural.
I was ready to push around 2. They got all set up and i starting pushing just before 210am and i pushed through like 5 or 6 contractions and he was out by 220am.
So i went from a 4 to having him in 1 hour and 15 minutes! Thats so crazy! His shoulder did get stuck on the way out but i still only tore enough to get one stitch. He took a second to get going and then he cried and cried. He was not quiet. I got to do skin to skin right away and loved it! Then they weighed him and measured him. He was just perfect! He did have a little breathing scare and they thought it was related to me not getting two full doses of medicine for strep b. We did have to stay two nights in the hospital and went home Thursday morning after stopping at Target to get my meds.
Here is his first sponge bath that they do in our room so we can be apart. He didnt seem to mind one bit:
Here are a few first moments of our family of 6. We love this guy more than he knows and are so grateful for our rainbow baby boy! He is so special to us:
Then of course we had some friends and family visit us in the hospital too:
And then we got to go home....
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