Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Keegan 6 months

Keegan is 6 months old:

*November 29, 2018
*Weight: 16.4 lbs, Height 26.5 inches
*Diaper size 3
*Clothes size: 6 months, 6-9 months
*First solids: apples, bananas, pears, carrots, baby oatmeal, green beans, black beans, baby puffs, and baby wafers
*Still no teeth
*Taked 3 naps, awake for 2.5 hours at a time. Bedtime is usually around 7:30/8, sleeps for 5 hours, wakes to nurse, goes back to sleep for 4 more hours, wakes to nurse, goes to sleep for another 2.5 hours and then is up for the day. He sleeps still being swaddled and has his paci. He nurses to bed.
*Loves his hands, feet, being tickled, his activity fox, giraffe, chewing on fingers, his hand toy, and grabbing anything he can get ahold of.
*He enjoys bath time, his sisters, his dad, always wants to snuggle, sitting on his bumbo while mommy cooks chewing on kitchen utensils.
*He can roll from his belly to his back, sit up, and roll from side to side but doesnt roll all the way over.
*His hair is coming in more and more but still no haircut yet.
*Finally will ride in the van without crying

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