Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Paisley is 7

Can't believe my 33.5 weaker is now 7 years old! She is my miracle fighter, considerate, kind, cautious, friendly little goose! Here are some of her favorites:

Color: Teal, Purple, Pink
Animal: Unicorns
Food: Noodles, chicken noodle soup
Place to eat: In and Out
Candy: Air head extreme sour
TV show: Phineas and Pherb, Nailed it
Movie: Rapunzel 
Book: Mr. Putter, Piggy and Elephant
School subject: Math
Season: Summer
Friends: Tessa, Sophia, Farrah, Evie, Ellie, Connie
Memory: going to Disneyland

This girl sure has grown up this year. In the fall she is starting second grade. She did so well in first grade in advanced math and highest reading group (which she loves to read by the way). Her eyes are doing much better and her weak eye is getting stronger. She is making so many new friends and loves being in a neighborhood with kids her age. She loves snuggling up and watching a good movie or a TV show. She sure has a sweet tooth and always wants a snack. She has quite the imagination and is so good at making up stories for pretend play. She took another year of dance and learned how to do a hand stand and a cart wheel this year. She also has developed a love for soccer and played in her first season this past spring (and is now signed up for fall and spring this next year).  I am excited to see this girl come more out of her shell and be more independent and find her passions and what she is good at. She loves making people smile and drawing cards for everyone. She enjoys art projects especially painting, making slime, and bracelets. We sure love this girl and big caring heart. So grateful she is ours and healthy. This next year is gonna be so fun and I am excited to see this girl soar above and beyond!

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