Tuesday, September 17, 2013

what happens with red sauce?!

First off....look what I whipped up for dinner.  It was quite tasty and easy to fix.  Thinking it may come up again at the Fullmer dinner table...just saying.

It is called pasta with a tomato cream sauce.  I cut the recipe in half and added 1/2 of a can of diced tomatoes.  Also I used brown sugar instead of regular sugar which gave it a sweeter taste.  I didn't use pepper mainly because I couldn't find it in my spice cupboard.  I would add some extra spices next time to change it up and maybe think of a vegetable to mix in.

here is the recipe:

And of course...here are the girls from dinner:

These girls I can't stress enough are my life and are amazing!  I love how goofy they are with each other and the special sister bond I see them forming.  I am loving watching them grow together and be there for each other and just I really don't know how to explain it but JUST MELTS MY HEART!

Monday, September 16, 2013

dinner date...

like a week ago I went on a date with a guy to Olive Garden and we talked about their soups and I had mentioned I really wanted to create their sausage potato soup because it is one of my favorites.  So a few days later I had the same guy over for dinner while the girls were at their dads and sure enough on pinterest I found the recipe and made it...sure was pretty yummy (an almost exact enough that it passed and I will be making it more often)

next time i will drain the sausage a little better so it doesn't look as greasy

here is the recipe:

I love snickers salad and once again came across snickers pie on pinterest and had to check it out...so while this was finishing cooking we worked together to make this (well he did more cutting then me and i just stole snickers as he was cooking...)

turned out really good but i would use a little less snickers and more apples...but so yummy

here is the recipe:

Diaper Adey?!

oh i need more fingers to count the times i laugh or smile or just shake my head at this crazy girl:

she chose one of Paisley's diapers and had me put it on her...all i could do was laugh

she wanted to work out with me and started doing sit-ups..this girl is in some good shape

So Adey started her last year before kindergarten.  I have tons of mixed emotions...so not ready for her to leave me every day and go to school.  Although I want to be a stay at home mom more then anything...i have been beyond blessed to at least take my girls with me every day to work for free and enjoy seeing them all day every day...so i just call myself a working mom who sees their kids all day.  don't really get a break and i wouldn't trade it for anything (unless i could stay home and teach and play with them...then that would be better) ...anyway this little girl is so ready..she can write her name (nickname and full name), counts to 40, knows just about all her shapes and of course colors, great social skills, can listen to directions and sit during circle, cuts pretty well, recognize most letters and numbers, just excels and loves to learn.  She loves horses and my little pony and barbies and books.  she enjoys baking with me too.  she loves on her sister and sometimes just a little too much.  She is def. a 4 year old with her listening to mom and her dependency...counting to 10 and taking a deep breath helps at times.  She is teaching me patience and that its ok to let things go or for it to take a little longer as long as she is trying to figure it out on her own.  She loves to wear skirts or dresses...so hard to get in her in jeans.  She loves any kind of art project and is learning to create her own.  She full of life and light...very out going and she sure knows how to brighten ones day!


Paisley is up to...

Paisley isn't walking on her own yet...but she is pulling herself up and slowly starting to walk along the furniture.  I am so proud of her and her determination.  She does get frustrated but I love how quickly she can crawl.

she loves this play phone i got her a little while ago.  quite the life saver in the car sometimes

she loves her babies...i was teaching her to feed her baby

the she decided to use her finger to feed the baby

then in the mouth...but weird because she never really used the bottle so i thought this was quite cute!

back to feeding the baby

she loves to give kisses...so now she is always kissing her baby

I love this little girl so much.  I can stress enough how grateful I am to be her mommy...even when she is quite sassy and tells me 'no'.  

*she says mama, dada, adey, nana, paisley, please, thank you, cracker, cookie, no, cheese, milk, juice, hi, bye, night night
*loves to give kisses to me and Adey...all you have to say is love please and she turns and puckers up
*slowly working on eating full solids...she still doesn't show much interest in foods but we are working on that...she does love all fruits especially watermelon and some veggies like cooked carrots and green beans.  ranch is favorite along with cheese and cereal with milk...oh and of course sweets
*we like to play with cars, blocks, balls, her play cell phone, trains, babies, things that make noises, and anything that Adey has
*she loves getting dressed up and putting on shoes...but hates HATES hair bows to where she rips them out.  when i put lotion on her after a bath she tries to eat the lotion
*she loves bath time and is learning how to wash her own body...i wash her and then she comes after me and rubs her arms and belly..quite cute
*she loves to look at books...sometimes we can't fit it in at night but we try to as often as we can
*she loves to play peek a boo and being tickled
*still working on sleeping through the night and drinking from a sippy cup
*she loves to try to help me with dishes
*she has to be where ever I am or at least see me...separation anxiety has already begun (most of the time though I do love feeling so needed...secretly i hope Paisley isn't my last)

She continues to amaze me each and every day.  I love her so much and so glad my miracle baby is doing her best!

Even though she is not 15 months...she has her appointment a little early which happens to be this Thursday...a few questions for the doc like about her neck still tilts and her feet when she does try to walk but we shall see what her fabulous pediatrician says (I just love Dr. Brownstein)

icky sticky cinnamon rolls

So I am not a perfectionist...this was my first time making home made cinnamon rolls and although they were super yummy I think next time I will use a different recipe...so no recipe to share this time just pictures of my amazingness and my girls (although I feel bad because sometimes there seems to be more of Paisley than Adey...oh well.  first world problems right?!)

the dough all ready to be cut

I mean look at those beauties

licking the beater from the home made icing...i am sure is the best part!

i would say it was a winner

the final product all iced...

sure wished we had someone to share them with at the time because it made quite a few and sad to saw a little more then a few were thrown away because we just couldn't eat them all!  so next time come join us!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Frankenstein friends

I love fall time and I have found some amazing recipes with pumpkin and different soups and cider along with tons of outings and fall crafts to do with the girls.  To start off Adey and I made these together last weekend:

Adey loves to cut paper and she is getting pretty good at it...kindergarten next year better watch out cause this little girl is so ready!

this was all the pieces before we pieced them together

she is folding the paper

aw....now aren't they cute?!  I drew the faces and cut the feet/hair/white strip while Adey cut everything else, folded the legs, and glued them all together

I mean look at the cutting...almost exactly on the line...love one proud momma

and her folding...she worked hard on this part and its just perfect

Adey's 4th birthday party

So Adelynn's 4th birthday party this year was a few weeks after her birthday because so many people she wanted to come were going to be gone closer to her birthday.  Thats the problem with summer birthday's...I need to figure something better for next year.  Anyway...her theme was My Little Pony (go figure...those who know her know this is her favorite show and now they came out with a movie called Equestrian girls...yes we watch it all the time...such an understatement).  We had it at the park in West Jordan and Adey loved all of her gifts she was so generously blessed with before the party and during...such a loved, spoiled little girl!  We had BBQ weenies and fruit skewers and a veggie tray and pink punch and had good bags that the kids got to fill with candy/silly straws/hair clips/bracelets/all that girly stuff and we ate yummy rainbow colored cupcakes which Adey's had rainbow silly candles in it (I really wished I would have taken more pictures...something I know I need to work on..mental note).  It was a blast despite the weather but thanks to everyone who was able to make it.  Those who missed out...always next year but we know you were there in spirits:

mommy's best friend Jess...only was able to stay for a short time but thanks so much for making that effort.  it meant a lot to us!

cousin Olivia chowing away at a sucker while sporting a green hair clip with fake hair

rainbow fruit skewers...turned out cute and were yummy!

Aunt Clarissa and cousin Marcus

Paisley and Aunt Julia

Adey and Paisley wore matching outfits

Jen, Hazen, Courtnee, Steph...good memories with these gals

yummy cupcake with Eastynn

Blowing out her candles while friend Eastynn gives her hugs

opening presents

BFF Brock watching

Cousin Wesley watching

Its a tradition to let the balloons go after the party in to the sky

there they float away!

my big, beautiful, talented, amazing 4 yr. old

barely see them now...

Paisley watching from the car because it was starting to rain