Monday, September 16, 2013

Diaper Adey?!

oh i need more fingers to count the times i laugh or smile or just shake my head at this crazy girl:

she chose one of Paisley's diapers and had me put it on her...all i could do was laugh

she wanted to work out with me and started doing sit-ups..this girl is in some good shape

So Adey started her last year before kindergarten.  I have tons of mixed not ready for her to leave me every day and go to school.  Although I want to be a stay at home mom more then anything...i have been beyond blessed to at least take my girls with me every day to work for free and enjoy seeing them all day every i just call myself a working mom who sees their kids all day.  don't really get a break and i wouldn't trade it for anything (unless i could stay home and teach and play with them...then that would be better) ...anyway this little girl is so ready..she can write her name (nickname and full name), counts to 40, knows just about all her shapes and of course colors, great social skills, can listen to directions and sit during circle, cuts pretty well, recognize most letters and numbers, just excels and loves to learn.  She loves horses and my little pony and barbies and books.  she enjoys baking with me too.  she loves on her sister and sometimes just a little too much.  She is def. a 4 year old with her listening to mom and her dependency...counting to 10 and taking a deep breath helps at times.  She is teaching me patience and that its ok to let things go or for it to take a little longer as long as she is trying to figure it out on her own.  She loves to wear skirts or hard to get in her in jeans.  She loves any kind of art project and is learning to create her own.  She full of life and light...very out going and she sure knows how to brighten ones day!


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