Monday, November 4, 2013

blonde hair, blue eyed babe...

This post is dedicated to Miss Trouble...who is just getting way too big!  She is 16 months now...what happened to day 1 in the NBICU?

*She has 4 front teeth and all 4 molars are coming in at the same...sure is fun times?!
*Her favorite books are: itsy bitsy spider, you are my sunshine, llama llama nighty night
*She can say: momma, dadda, adey, nonni, grampy, oskar, nana, papa, please, thankyou, two, five, apples, i pooped, all done, eyes, nose, ears, cheese, juice, night night, hi, bye, no (still working on yes..), mine, baby, woof woof, water, bath, blankie, shoes, choo choo
*She still only crawls (working hard on walking...she does a great job pulling to stand and then letting go and standing for a few i am thinking it is coming soon)
*She officially graduated physical therapy for her neck last Thursday (big milestone for us)
*Bath time is a favorite time for us...she loves playing with running water and is learning to blow bubbles in the water
*She loves to dance (I love holding Paisley while we dance to a slow song...she grins and snuggles)
*She is a great snuggler when she wakes up from bedtime and naps...melts my heart
*Sometimes naps are getting harder because she requires about 12 hours of sleep at night to fully function the next day so some days naps are only an hour or up to 3 hours...just depends on the previous night
*She always pulls bows out of her hair...even though she looks so cute!
*Favorite foods: ranch, pizza, pears, chicken, cheese, green beans, yogurt strawberries, cereal, peanut butter and jelly, pasta dishes (especially homemade spaghetti and homemade macaroni and cheese), smarties candies and m&m's
*Bubbles are fun to blow
*She loves to color with anything markers, crayons, pens, CHALK...and especially loves painting!
*She loves to pretend to talk on the phone or feed her baby a bottle or pat her baby to sleep...she has this one baby the gets dragged around to just about anywhere!
*She is most of the time all smiles and giggles and learning to push herself on the little bike and learning to crawl on things (hints the dishwasher invention...sorry she has not clothes...she likes to be this way but with it getting cold it doesn't happen that often)

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