Friday, November 20, 2015

Emery 7 months

Emery Kate Mihu
7 months
14.2 pounds (not sure on inches)

Nicknames: Emmy, Bembers, Ems, baby bear
Sleeping habits: takes 1 nap that is 3 to 3.5 hours, 2 naps that are 1 to 1.5 hours and then sleeps about 7 to 9 hours at night eats and then sleeps for another 3 to 5 hours for a total of 11-12 hours at night. 
Eating: you LOVE food, nurse about 5 to 6 times a day, love puffs/crackers/yogurt melts/breads, peaches/potato soup/tomato soup/green beans/bananas/carrots/apple sauce
Milestones: have been sitting and rolling around since around 6 months, now you scoot backwards and are trying hard to get on your knees
Favorites: being held and thrown, bath time and playing with the water, getting a hold of paper (mommy always takes it away), she loves to growl, being read to, playing with her sisters, going for walks, her daddy can always make her smile, being "eaten" under her chin

always such a happy baby and loves to smile and giggle; she is extremely curious about her surroundings; she has had two ear infections in the past month but all clear now; no teeth yet; hair really starting to come in (never really got the bald spot from rubbing head or hair never really fell out like most babies); she doesn't like riding in the car at night

here are a few random pics from the past few weeks...we love this little one so much!

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