Thursday, May 25, 2017

Preschool Graduation


Aw this little girl has worked so hard!  She knows her colors and the order of the rainbow, name so many body parts, shapes and patterns, can count to 39, recognize and write all numbers to 15, write her first name (working on upper and lower case writing though in order like Paisley), can recognize and write and sound out each letter upper and lower case, started reading, can do simple math, knows her months and days of the week, such a social and talkative butterfly, loved art and music/sing and show and tell.  I loved Busy Bee preschool and Miss Amber and Miss Emily.  Paisley loved her teachers and her friends and always asked if that day was a preschool day. Never had a problem going and always so such a great time!

This summer we will have fun and continue to work on reading, practice writing her name/letters upper and lower/and numbers, counting higher and maybe by 10's, do workbook pages, science experiments, make delicious treats and bake, have so so much fun playing in water and art projects and day trips and spending time with family and friends, and go to dance camp and kindergarten prep in August.  This girl loves to learn and will go above and beyond...this is just the beginning!

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