Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Easter 2015

This Easter was perfect time to reflect on the many blessings I have in my life (family who loves me unconditionally and always there for me no matter what, Nate who is extremely hard working for our family and loves/cares us for who we are and I am beyond grateful for meeting him and getting to spend the rest of my life with him and for how amazing he is with my two most prized possessions in my life...he is the best I could have found for him and me, my girls who teach me so much about just enjoying life and letting the little things go and having fun and for showing me how much I can love beyond what I thought I could, the place I am currently at in my life of which I couldn't be more happier! and there are many, many more)

We had fun making these little bunnies one day (found the idea on Pinterest but we changed it to make it our OWN project):

We got an Easter package from our loved ones all the way from the land of no where in Nebraska (Nonni and Grampy)

And our Easter tradition is putting out some milk and carrots with ranch for the bunny but this year Adey really wanted to color the milk orange so of course why not?  And she chose to put it all on an orange plate:

(the bunny this year looked quite hungry)

Then the girls set their baskets out the night before filled with their empty eggs.  The bunny then hops through the door while we are sleeping and eats his treats, fills their baskets with a few small goodies, and then loads up the eggs and hides them through out our house.  The girls love hunting them and opening them to see what the kind bunny has left (money, year he might try other things like stickers, tattoos, art supplies...things other than candy)

Lastly, we normally color our hard boiled eggs before Easter...but this year we got a little behind.  However...we still got them done and even added designs and tattoo's to them this year:

I hope everyone else had a wonderful, blessed Easter remembering the real reason we celebrate.  We worked hard on explaining to Adey and Paisley the best we could (next year they will be a little older and we have a book that we will use to help explain it a little better...but at least they both know it is because of Jesus Christ and his resurrection)

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