Monday, April 27, 2015

Spirit week

So Adey had a fun week of spirit week at school.  She missed the first day because we just had the baby a few days before and got home on a Sunday (the day before she went back to we were all exhausted and out of routine for a few days so I thought it was better to take a day at home and just relax and get back on bed time type I missed my girls while I was in the hospital and just needed them).

Monday was wear your school house t shirt day (she would have worn her purple shirt because she is in the purple house for school)

Tuesday was wear your favorite color shirt day (Adey wore a light blue shirt because right now her favorite colors are red, white, and blue...or as she calls it American colors)

Wednesday was sports day (Adey wore her gymnastics t shirt)

Thursday was wear your hat to school day (Adey wore her pink cowgirl hat)

Friday was crazy hair and two different socks day

She is just such a cutie and really loves her school, her friends, her teachers and is doing so well!  I am so proud of you Adey bug!

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