Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Emery 1 month

You are just perfect in every way!  

Emery Kate Mihu
1 month May 10, 2015
6lbs 11 ounces
20 inches long

Favorites: pacifier, being swaddled, your hands (only when they go in your mouth and not scratch your face), nursing, your family even your sisters (although they are constantly in your face), being held or snuggled, getting kisses, bath time before you have to get out into the cold air, you don't seem to mind tummy time either

Sleeping: you sleep all the time (you would rather sleep than eat), at night you sleep 6 to 7 hours going to bed between 10 and 11/wake up to eat/and go right back to sleep until about 8 in the morning/wake up to eat/back to sleep (you are my dream baby...thank you so much for allowing mommy and daddy to their beauty sleep)

Eating: at first mommy had to pump because you weren't figuring out this whole nursing thing and by the end of your first month of life you have decided that bottles are for amateurs and would rather nurse (about 7 to 9 times a day or every 3 to 4 really depends on the day)

Don't like: getting out of the bath, not being held, scratching your face, getting dressed (you don't seem to mind having your diaper changed and you hardly ever cry too when you are wet/poopy), your sisters in your face, laying on the hard ground

Your personality: calm, laid back, easy going, simple, not dramatic

You wear: newborn clothes, headbands with a knot tied in them so they fit, and newborn diapers (you are just a whittle thing), newborn shoes don't even fit...way too big.  You have such tiny skinny feet and you are finally starting to get a little meat on your bones

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