Thursday, March 24, 2016

It's a beautiful morning...

Sunshine is among us and it's getting warmer, even in the mornings. The snow is (I hope) officially gone from the valley and just hanging out on the mountain tops. This past Saturday right after breakfast (the tv wasn't even turned on) the girls headed out Tories their bikes and scooters and jump on the trampoline and enjoy the beautiful morning in their pjs, event his little beauty:

Her sisters may have buried her legs and she didn't seem to mind.  

After Nate made a yummy Saturday morning breakfast, we got ready for the day and we drove out to our property...YEP you read that right!  We are in the process of building a home (it is 6-7 months out to finish since there are so many being built in this new neighborhood which ends up being the perfect time frame for us).  Details to come. For now this .11 acres of dirt has our name on it:

Then we went to lunch at the jdawgs in Orem which was super yummy and inexpensive for our family (we will be going back some day). Followed by a walk around the mall and the girls loves getting free lotion and spray from Bath and Body Works (we are in trouble for we have some serious girly girls on our hands) and the out on a little fashion show as we waited for Allie to try on clothes:

They bothe felt they needed some of my lip gloss...loved the "kissy" face they both used as they applied it!

As we were leaving the mall, the girls were sooooo tired 😉 so Nate carried them both! What a great daddy!

On our way home we stomped by a place in Provo that used to be called sammies but is now called "zekes" for some gourmet shakes! So yummy but not good for my no dairy kick I am on for my stomach issues....but I have in since I haven't had any dairy for a whole week!  They did not disappoint!

Overall such a fun, easy going day with the family!

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