Wednesday, May 11, 2016

How is she "ONE"


Well our little one is officially one!  As usual one would say...where has the time gone?!?!  

No really it has gone by quickly.  She is growing so fast (still itty bitty though) and is getting smarter and smarter by the day!  We love watching her try to figure things out as the wheels turn in her little brain!  She is such a joy and loves to wrestle with her sisters and be the center of attention.

Weight: 16.8 lbs
Height: 27 inches

*favorite toy: yellow chair gotten for birthday
*favorite food: bananas, beans, peas, yogurt, gold fish, PB jelly sandwich, apple sauce
*least favorite foods: green beans, watermelon, cheese
*favorite books: any touchy feely books
*bedtime: 730/8 until 8am (slightly swaddled) and nurses at bed and wake up only
*Random loves: bubbles, bath time, being outside, going for walks
*can crawl up and down stairs, can say aw da (all done)/hi/Adey/Mama/Dada/t (thank you)
*working on finding nose and eyes, walking, drinking out of cup, feed self with silverware

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