Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Keegan turns 2

Keegan James Mihu is 2...

Weight: 26 lbs

*food: dino nuggets, watermelon, chips/salsa, cookie dough, anything with sugar, black beans, chicken noodle soup, cooked carrots, cereal, scrambled eggs, corn on the cob
*toys: anything with trucks, tractors, play lawn mower, blocks
*things to do: playing in the sand or water, jumping on the trampoline, ride in trailer on bike rides, ride in his car, pretend to fix things with dad, bake with mom, taking baths
*animal: shark
*loves to be read to, wrapped half way in a blanket, and snuggled with bedtime
*still uses a pacifier to sleep
*drinks well from a cup and feeds self using silverware
*can say several words: all our names even bronco, please, thank you, no, ya, drink, outside, stop, mine, airplane, truck, more, all done, car, book, dog, baby, shirt, ball, bubble, Nana (banana), moo, duck, watch, look, up, bowl, and i am sure I am forgetting some
*body parts he knows: head, eyes, teeth, nose, mouth, tongue, hair, ears, belly, hands, fingers, leg, arm, feet, toes, peepee

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