Monday, April 29, 2013

egg rolls

I really love baking/cooking/etc...and slowly am getting better with each meal I prepare.  One night I decided to be quite adventorous and came across these to make:

here is what mine looked like:

putting the inards together (I didn't use sesame oil, ginger, bean sprouts, or hoisin sauce...I did use light sodium soy sauce and canned mushrooms)

putting the inards on the shells

wrapped/packed and ready to bake

they sure turned out yummy and knowing me and my girls we dipped ours in RANCH...Paisley my 10 month old even at the inards and LOVED them which may be an under statement...we will be making these again but maybe use the hoisin and sauce and dip them in sweet and sour sauce to see what the difference it would make.

many faces of Paisley

everyday I just can't get enough of this precious lil' face.  On Saturday she finally said 'mama' and of course it melted my heart and I got all happy and warm feeling inside.  She knows who I am and can associate me as her mommy (every mommy's dream)...such a special day.

Anyway.  She has been working so hard on trying to feed her self.  Exhibit A:


followed by just a few of her many cute faces she makes...sometimes it is extremely hard to capture some on camera so for now you get these:

she kept squinting at the camera almost as if she was smiling ya know what i mean?

I just LOVE her eyes and I wonder if they will stay blue or if they will change

gotta love that tongue...and her raspberries and slobery kisses

and then I just love her tiny fat piggies and baby feet...they are so small and just PERFECT:

hard time keepin' secrets

so my precious Paisley turns 1 in like two months and it is bittersweet.  even though she was born premature and spent quite some time in the NBICU (not as long as some but longer then others) she is doing really well (maybe a little bit behind but since I don't know if/when I will get to have more sweet babies I will soak it all up thats for sure).

anyway I have been thinking hard "what do you buy a little girl for her first birthday when you already have one little girl that has so much..." and one day it occurred to me...a water/sand table to play with outside during these hot spring/summer/early fall days...and it would be a gift both girls can play with together and share and not fight over (oh how I am just waiting for those days but hoping we don't have too many please...).

But it all boils down to...DO I REALLY HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL JUNE 29...who is more excited me or my girls when they actually get it.  so I started searching online and at Toys R Us and Target and wasn't pleased with what I was finding and then thought maybe I should find something else.  Well I was at Walmart the other day and decided to browse in the toy section and came across the PERFECT table well within in my price range so what do I do (it being the last one)?  I snag it and buy it and get it home and surprise the girls with it (I know two months early...but hey we have already had so much fun playing in it...well worth my money spent and look forward to the years of fun down the road and don't worry I will still have a few small things for the birthday girl to open on her actual special day)

the pictures do justice of how happy they were/are and what we did immediately...although I still need to pick up some sand for now we will just play with water since its FREE...

Burlap wreath

so this little website I found on pinterest inspired me:

so of course I headed on over to Hobby Lobby (seriously one of my top 5 favorite yet dangerous stores...) and picked up some supplies.  But for those that truly know me know I don't do things exactly the same as someone elses so I added a little bit of my own creativity.

Here are the supplies that I used:

I cut and twisted and glued to create another masterpiece:

I personally love it...what do you think?!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

first time cookin' with ground chicken

so once again I found a new recipe to try found on  it is called chicken parmesan meatloaf an and it was so yummy...even my 3.5 year old loved it and wanted more.  I have never cooked with ground chicken before and i can say this won't be the last either:

it may not look super pretty but looks aren't everything...just sayin'

anyway. I am trying to be healthy and this was found off of searching for weight watchers recipes.

of course i did mess with the ingredients and didn't use as much ground chicken and i made my own red pasta sauce using seasonings and tomato sauce.  also after they cooked for 20 minutes which was exactly right on with the recipe...i did not put them back in for the cheese to melt.  they were so hot they melted on their own.

this too is a recipe i am more then will to try again.  we ate it with baby corn and ranch and peaches and a glass of water.   so all in all a pretty healthy balanced dinner.

p.s. i even let Paisley my 9 month old try ground chicken and she too liked it so this was definitely a win win recipe choice...

Sunday, April 21, 2013

West Jordan Park

This weekend has been wonderful.  I am really trying so hard to ignore my to do list and the computer while the girls are awake and make memories with them doing things they want to do.  Like yesterday after noon during one of Paisley's naps Adey and I made a barbie house with blankets and used her squishy blocks as the walls and put her barbie furniture in the rooms and filled the barbie pool outside the play house, and put the tent and playground away so they could go camping.  it was just so much fun and to be a kid again with my lil girl.  When Paisley woke up we had tickle fights and played with their toys and blew bubbles and snuggled and just had a great weekend.

Today after church we went to the really big park in West Jordan.  It was a beautiful day finally and I had been promising Adey I would take her as soon as the weather was nice. it finally was and we went to a new park that we haven't been to.  This place was huge and a nice walking trail around it and lots of green and there were like 3 or 4 parks all around...WE WILL DEFINITELY BE GOING BACK!

SO MANY SWINGS...and this was Paisley's first swing (i think)

look behind Adey and the massive playground..this was just a small part

checking out the bark...we may or may not have eaten it..yum?!

leavin' on a jet plane...this is for you Uncle Jay

chillin' in the stroller and i actually think i lost that necklace she was playing with...guess i just have to buy another at the Women's expo

soggy french toast

so one of my friends told me about this yummy soggy french toast recipe where they used french bread...but i didn't have french bread so i just used the bread i had which was potato bread.  it still tasted super yummy and i intend to make it again...both girls loved it!

the first step is you put your first layer in a baggy with the eggs, vanilla, and either nutmeg or cinnamon (which ever you prefer to use) and let it soak overnight.

step 2 you preheat the oven to 375 degrees F and melt butter in the bottom of your baking dish.

step 3 place the soggy over night soaked layer on the bottom first and then place another layer on top and pour another round of eggs, vanilla, nutmeg/cinnamon on top and bake.  i baked mine about 15 mins.

once i pulled it out i let it cool and then we ate it with powder sugar...hope you enjoy.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Another sleepover...

Goodness...seriously when did my lil' girl get to be so BIG....anyway she wanted her friend to come stay the night again before her friend heads back to school.  She has been off track but on Monday isn't anymore.  This time they were so into playing babies and going to a 'BALL' and getting all dressed up and they just laughed and giggled and smiled from ear to ear and seemed to have the time of their life.  I got chick fillet for dinner for us girls.  and here is what they did the rest of the night:

love the one hand holding up her dress as she twirls...

getting her groove on

dancing in circles

pose btwn songs

took a minute to pose...

and fell as they twirled

i was the baby sitter and was watching their dogs...

and their babies...

then they came to pick up their babies and fed them...

and laughed so hard because they "peed" everywhere

they stayed up a little later then normal since it is the weekend and watched a tinker bell movie and fell asleep towards the end.  they camped out in the living room.  in the morning they didn't want anything but cereal which was fine...these girls are best friends and i love getting them together.  they have so much fun and are so good and just enjoy playing with each other.  we were supposed to go to the park when they woke up but the weather just didn't they played barbies and with the doll house. and she went home just before lunch time.  so glad she got to come over and have a good time.


Today was a gloomy, lazy stay at home today where I didn't want to do much except play barbies, babies, and snuggles and watch movies.  I did manage though to be a little domestic and came up with this:

this is a sausage/potato soup of which Adey just loved...I did tweek the recipe a little.  I didn't use quite as much potatoes, I added fresh spinach and freshly grated Parmesan cheese.  here is the link to the originally recipe...of course found on pinterest:

and next i came up with this yummy dessert:

layer 1

layer 2

and again of course I found it on pinterest.  The tweeks I did with this recipe is I used Adam's all natural peanut butter, I used nutella instead of chocolate chips, I cut the recipe in half and used a pie dish pan.  The originally recipe can be found here:


March of Dimes

so almost a year ago I experienced what it was like to pray so hard for something you want so badly, I learned what it meant to miss Adey so much it hurt, I learned what it was like to ask for help and receive more then I needed, I learned what it was like to be patience and know everything will be ok, I learned what it was like to truly struggle, I learned how amazing modern medicine really is, I learned who all truly loves me as I received so much support, I learned once again how my parents are my rock and are always by my side and are always there for me, I learned what it was like to sit in a bed and not be able to do hardly anything...and because of all of this I was truly BLESSED BEYOND ANYTHING WITH THIS:

Paisley Makae Fullmer
Born June 29, 2012 (org. due date was August 12,  2012)
at 11:25
By VBAC (19.5 hours of labor)
16.5 inches long
5.3 lbs

and now she is this...

almost 10 months
20 lbs 12 ounces
27 inches long
short and chunky...just the way I love her

Now she is almost 1 and extremely healthy.  She spent 4 weeks in the NBICU because of oxygen levels, jaundice, and troubles with eating (most preemies experience troubles with eating).  She is a little behind as she just rolls sometimes but is right on with a 7 month old (according to docs though she is were she is supposed to be as you take her age she is now minus how early she was and for the first 2 years of life they go by that as far as talking, walking, etc...).  I love her to pieces and with all the complications I had she is my little blessing and with my two beautiful girls they are EVERYTHING to me...


and because of this experience I am starting a new tradition.  I will walk in honor of my lil' girl and try to raise money EVERY year for the March of Dimes Research/Program.  

if you would like to support this cause here is the link to our team page: