Thursday, April 11, 2013

First sleepover and recipes

So Adey got to have her first friend sleepover at our house...I can't believe my little girl is already old enough for fun things like this...which of course is the first of many to come!  It was my friend Nicole's daughter Eastyn.  She is older then Adey but still they had a lot of fun.  They played in the play kitchen and "mixed" and "blended" smoothies for me and Paisley, the they went "shopping" and took turns being the shopper and check out line person, they took a bath together, helped me make a dessert, and painted pretty pictures.  At bed time we made a tent and they watched Cinderella.  Both girls were great and made memories.  Here are a few pics from last night:

squeezing some glitter

here they are painting hands

I found this baked lasgna off of pinterest (of course) but I changed the recipe some...I used the following instead: ground pork, onion powder, and homemade spaghetti sauce.  I do think though if I make it again I will try it with out the meat

crushing the graham crackers

licking the home made whip cream bowl...
this dessert too was found on pinterest and I changed it some: I used home made whip cream and 100 cal. snack cookies.  for the girls I didn't freeze it but I did make it again tonight and froze it and it did taste better but last night we were on a time crunch to get these beauties in bed...

just love that smile...adey for some reason really wanted her tent to be dark

watching the movie before we moved it all into Adey's side where it was "darkest"

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