Saturday, April 13, 2013

leap pad, bubbles, balloon's...

both my girls spend most days playing with each other...I just adore watching them grow and spend time together making memories.  I pray each day that they will be there for each other and count on one another and have endless love for each other...I hope they always will be the best of friends.  

I couldn't have been given a more wonderful 1st born...she is so helpful with Paisley from helping me feed her, to keeping her happy and making her laugh, to throwing away dirty diapers, to helping me dress her, to sharing her toys with her, to just being the best big sister...Adelynn is amazing and I am so grateful to call her my 1st born...I love you so much sweet girl.

"hey sis...when do I get a turn on your leap pad..."
Adey said we have to get Paisley her own for her 1st birthday...bahahaha...yeah right

Paisley struck gold...she loved squishing it until it popped which actually took some time!

what mom...its tasty too

blowing bubbles...check out those cheeks!

she loves them and is slowly learning to clap her hands together to pop them

bonding time...PERFECT

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