Saturday, April 20, 2013

March of Dimes

so almost a year ago I experienced what it was like to pray so hard for something you want so badly, I learned what it meant to miss Adey so much it hurt, I learned what it was like to ask for help and receive more then I needed, I learned what it was like to be patience and know everything will be ok, I learned what it was like to truly struggle, I learned how amazing modern medicine really is, I learned who all truly loves me as I received so much support, I learned once again how my parents are my rock and are always by my side and are always there for me, I learned what it was like to sit in a bed and not be able to do hardly anything...and because of all of this I was truly BLESSED BEYOND ANYTHING WITH THIS:

Paisley Makae Fullmer
Born June 29, 2012 (org. due date was August 12,  2012)
at 11:25
By VBAC (19.5 hours of labor)
16.5 inches long
5.3 lbs

and now she is this...

almost 10 months
20 lbs 12 ounces
27 inches long
short and chunky...just the way I love her

Now she is almost 1 and extremely healthy.  She spent 4 weeks in the NBICU because of oxygen levels, jaundice, and troubles with eating (most preemies experience troubles with eating).  She is a little behind as she just rolls sometimes but is right on with a 7 month old (according to docs though she is were she is supposed to be as you take her age she is now minus how early she was and for the first 2 years of life they go by that as far as talking, walking, etc...).  I love her to pieces and with all the complications I had she is my little blessing and with my two beautiful girls they are EVERYTHING to me...


and because of this experience I am starting a new tradition.  I will walk in honor of my lil' girl and try to raise money EVERY year for the March of Dimes Research/Program.  

if you would like to support this cause here is the link to our team page:

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