Tuesday, April 9, 2013

South Jordan Park

one thing I just love about Utah is the NUMEROUS parks around here to go to.  Adey loves parks so this is a free perfect fun activity for us to do.  and with it slowly finally warming up we can take advantage and find all the different parks close to our house and start playing (today though was SUPER cold and windy but we still had fun while Paisley slept....).  today we went to a park in South Jordan before we headed over to gymnastics

Adey is getting amazingly good at the bar at gymnastics and she was trying to do some of her moves on this bar at the park before we actually headed to gymnastics

for some reason she wanted to swing in this "baby" swing so I of course took advantage and pushed her high and she had a great time!

I thought this was a col pic and I love how I got Adey smiling in the back round!  by my hair you can tell how windy it was

this is my mini me...my friend Stephanie pointed out that we have the same eyes...so glad she has the beautiful eye color.  I hope she gets long eye lashes too!

she loves slides but mainly the twisty ones.  She also enjoys climbing up them...today I was paranoid and afraid she was gonna get pushed off from the wind.
Paisley slept the whole time we were at the park but when it was time to go and I was buckling Adey into her car seat I looked over and found this:
happy as a clam like usually...she is really such a good baby!

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