Sunday, April 21, 2013

West Jordan Park

This weekend has been wonderful.  I am really trying so hard to ignore my to do list and the computer while the girls are awake and make memories with them doing things they want to do.  Like yesterday after noon during one of Paisley's naps Adey and I made a barbie house with blankets and used her squishy blocks as the walls and put her barbie furniture in the rooms and filled the barbie pool outside the play house, and put the tent and playground away so they could go camping.  it was just so much fun and to be a kid again with my lil girl.  When Paisley woke up we had tickle fights and played with their toys and blew bubbles and snuggled and just had a great weekend.

Today after church we went to the really big park in West Jordan.  It was a beautiful day finally and I had been promising Adey I would take her as soon as the weather was nice. it finally was and we went to a new park that we haven't been to.  This place was huge and a nice walking trail around it and lots of green and there were like 3 or 4 parks all around...WE WILL DEFINITELY BE GOING BACK!

SO MANY SWINGS...and this was Paisley's first swing (i think)

look behind Adey and the massive playground..this was just a small part

checking out the bark...we may or may not have eaten it..yum?!

leavin' on a jet plane...this is for you Uncle Jay

chillin' in the stroller and i actually think i lost that necklace she was playing with...guess i just have to buy another at the Women's expo

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